Monday, 6 August 2007

Wild at heart

There's no way I want to be another opinion on the Internet. Who's to say my opinion is any more valid than another's. I think the proliferation of opinions makes each a little less valuable (but that's just my opinion)

But I do want to express my thoughts, and in some way describe my journey of faith somewhat. In this case through the book 'Wild at heart' (by John Eldredge)

This really is an excellent book, with some absolutely wonderful Americanisms. The premise of the book is that men find out how to be men and you are sometimes left wondering if he means that we're meant to don cowboy boots and a hat and ride out into the wild west.

And yet...
There is something that resonates so strongly within me.
I've got a good job and nice house. I've got a wonderful wife and adorable children. I'm an active participant (oh ok, leader) in my church. So why do I sometimes just feel penned in, imprisoned , couped up in my 'wonderful life'?
Step in Mr Eldredge with his cowboy boots! As men, we're just made for adventure, fighting, risk, possibly even danger. Why on earth do boys just want to punch the living daylights out of one another? Why, when my daughter (2 and a half) plays with cars and makes them into families, does my little boy (1) just want to hit and bash them? I didn't teach him this.
Why do I frequently get the urge to go climb a hill, or just walk off into the countryside by myself? God seems to have wired in me something that just isn't quite fulfilled in sitting at a desk daily or 'being nice at church'

One of the key parts of the book that stood out was that society has tried to constrain and tie down men. Some of it good, getting us to show emotion, and some of it bad, locking up the wild side. And the church can be even worse.
The rest of the book was interesting and helpful - discussing the influence of our fathers on us (and therefore our responsibility as fathers), looking at areas of temptation for men, and, with some amusement, challenging all men everywhere to fight for our women! :-) I mustn't joke, the number of men that, to be frank, insult their woman by not 'needing her', use her for an ego trip (having a beautiful woman under the arm), or even for selfish security is astonishing. I respond to that call as Christians to lead the way in being the best lovers of our wives!

But it is this main point that I take away. God made men to be wild and fighters. That will be expressed in many different ways for each person and is therefore a journey of discovery.
We men need to learn how to put down our facades of fake manliness and be open and challenge one another to Godliness (He's wild too!)
"Life is not a problem to be solved, but an adventure to live"

What adventure has God put on your heart? Do you dare ask yourself crazy questions?
What about preaching the gospel to every person in Leamington/Warwick?
How are you going to do that Jon?
Oh I don't know, but wouldn't it be exciting to see how God goes about doing that through me?

Well this book has made me think more than most over recent years...

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

"There is something that resonates so strongly within me"

I felt exactly the same when reading this book - once you get through the Americanisms and advice to his son to punch the boy in the playground there is something that really hits on something deep down in this book.